To use eSIM after installation:
For iOS devices
- Go to “Settings” > “Cellular/Mobile Data” > Enable eSIM > Go back to the “Cellular/Mobile Data” to refresh
- In “Cellular/Mobile Data” > Select your eSIM > Enable Data Roaming > Go back to the “Cellular/Mobile Data” to refresh
- In “Cellular/Mobile Data > In Mobile Data > Select eSIM
For Android devices
- Go to “Settings” > “Network/Connections” > “SIM Manager” > Enable eSIM > Scroll bottom > “Mobile Data” > select eSIM
- Go back to “Network/Connections” > “Mobile network” > Enable Data roaming
- Go back to “Network/Connections” > “Mobile network” > Access Point Names > select/input APN (provided in PDF) as Name and APN
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is advisable to restart your device after making the setting changes above. If there is still no data, ensure Access point name (APN) provided into the Name and APN fields.